2017 Chen YJ, Schnitzer SA, Zhang YJ, Fan ZX, Goldstein G, Tomlinson KW, Lin H, Zhang JL*, Cao KF*. 2017. Physiological regulation and efficient xylem water transport regulate diurnal water and carbon balances of tropical lianas. Functional Ecology 31(2): 306−317. Huang W, Yang YJ, Zhang JL, Hu H, Zhang SB. 2017. Superoxide generated in the chloroplast stroma causes photoinhibition of photosystem I in the shade-establishing tree species Psychotria henryi. Photosynthesis Research 132(3): 293–303. Li YP, Feng YL*, Kang ZL, Zheng YL, Zhang JL, Chen YJ. 2017. Changes in soil microbial communities due to biological invasions can reduce allelopathic effects. Journal of Applied Ecology 54(5): 1281–1290.Siddiq Z#, Chen YJ#, Zhang YJ, Zhang JL, Cao KF. 2017. More sensitive response of crown conductance to VPD and larger water consumption in tropical evergreen than in deciduous broadleaf timber trees. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 247: 399–407. Zhang SB*, Zhang JL, Cao KF. 2017. Divergent hydraulic safety strategies in three co-occurring Anacardiaceae tree species in a Chinese savanna. Frontiers in Plant Science 7: 2075. Zhang SB*, Zhang JL. 2017. Variations in light energy dissipation in Woodfordia fruticosa leaves during expansion. Photosynthetica 55 (4): 705–715. Zhao WL, Siddiq Z, Fu PL, Zhang JL, Cao KF*. 2017. Stable stomatal number per minor vein length indicates the coordination between leaf water supply and demand in three leguminous species. Scientific Reports 7: 2211. 刘奇,吴怀栋,谭运洪,张教林*. 2017. 西双版纳热带季雨林木质藤本多样性及其攀援方式. 林业科学 53(8): 1–8. |
2016 Chen YJ*, Bongers F, Tomlinson K, Fan ZX, Lin H, Zhang SB, Zheng YL, Li YP, Cao KF*, Zhang JL. 2016. Time lags between crown and basal sap flows in tropical lianas and co-occurring trees. Tree Physiology 36(6): 736–747. Huang W, Yang YJ, Zhang JL, Hu H, Zhang SB*. 2016. PSI photoinhibition is more related to electron transfer from PSII to PSI rather than PSI redox state in Psychotria rubra. Photosynthesis Research 129(1): 85–92. Yang SJ#, Sun M#, Yang QY, Ma RY, Zhang JL, Zhang SB*. 2016. Two strategies by epiphytic orchids for maintaining water balance: thick cuticles in leaves and water storage in pseudobulbs. AoB Plants 8: plw046. Zhang SB*, Zhang JL, Cao KF*. 2016. Differences in the photosynthetic efficiency and photorespiration of co-occurring Euphorbiaceae liana and tree in a Chinese savanna. Photosynthetica 54 (3): 438–445.Zhang SB, Huang W, Zhang JL, Cao KF*. 2016. Differential responses of photosystems I and II to seasonal drought in two Ficus species. Acta Oecologica 73: 53–60. 吴怀栋,刘奇,谭运洪,张教林*. 2016. 元江干热河谷木质藤本的多样性及其与宿主树木的关系. 植物科学学报 34(4): 343–349. 张树斌,张教林,曹坤芳*. 2016. 季节性干旱对白皮乌口树(Tarenna depauperata Hutchins)水分状况、叶片光谱特征和荧光参数的影响. 植物科学学报 34(1): 117–126. |
2015 |
Chen YJ*, Cao KF, Schnitzer S, Fan ZX, Zhang JL, Bongers F. 2015. Water-use advantage for lianas over trees in tropical seasonal forests. New Phytologist 205(1): 128–136. Huang W*, Zhang SB, Zhang JL, Hu H*. 2015. Photoinhibition of photosystem I under high light in the shade-established tropical tree species Psychotria rubra. Frontiers in Plant Science 6: 801. Ma RY, Zhang JL, Cavaleri MA, Sterck F, Strijk JS, Cao KF*. 2015. Convergent evolution towards high net carbon gain efficiency contributes to the shade tolerance of palms (Arecaceae). PLoS ONE 10(10): e0140384.Zhang JL*, Zhang SB, Chen YJ, Zhang YP, Poorter L. 2015. Nutrient resorption is associated with leaf vein density and growth performance of dipterocarp tree species. Journal of Ecology 103(3): 541–549.Zhang JL*, Zhang SB, Zhang YP, Kitajima K. 2015. Effects of phylogeny and climate on seed oil fatty acid composition across 747 plant species in China. Industrial Crops and Products 63: 1–8.Zhang SB*, Dai Y, Hao GY, Li JW, Fu XW, Zhang JL. 2015. Differentiation of water-related traits in terrestrial and epiphytic Cymbidium species. Frontiers in Plant Science 6: 260.Zheng YL*, Feng YL*, Valiente-Banuet A, Li YP, Liao ZY, Zhang JL, Chen YJ. 2015. Are invasive plants more competitive than native conspecifics? Patterns vary with competitors. Scientific Reports 5: 15622.王华芳, 杨石建, 张教林*. 2015. 热带木质藤本的根压及其与系统发育和环境的关系. 植物分类与资源学报 37(6): 751−759. |
2014 |
Chen YJ, Bongers F, Zhang JL, Liu JY, Cao KF*. 2014. Different biomechanical design and ecophysiological strategies in juveniles of two liana species with contrasting growth habit. American Journal of Botany 101(6): 925–934. Hu YH, Kitching RL, Lan GY, Zhang JL, Sha LQ, Cao M*. 2014. Size-class effect contributes to tree species assembly through influencing dispersal in tropical forests. PLoS ONE 9(9): e108450. Huang W*, Zhang JL, Zhang SB, Hu H. 2014. Evidence for the regulation of leaf movement by photosystem II activity. Environmental and Experimental Botany 107: 167–172. Sun M, Yang SJ, Zhang JL, Bartlett M, Zhang SB*. 2014. Correlated evolution in traits influencing leaf water balance in Dendrobium (Orchidaceae). Plant Ecology215(11): 1255–1267. Zhang SB#, Sun M#, Cao KF, Hu H, Zhang JL*. 2014. Leaf photosynthetic rate of tropical ferns is evolutionarily linked to water transport capacity. PLoS ONE 9(1): e84682. 丁凌子, 陈亚军, 张教林*. 2014. 热带雨林木质藤本植物叶片性状及其关联. 植物科学学报 32(4): 362–370. 张树斌, 张教林, 曹坤芳*. 2014. 干旱对干热河谷优势木本植物虾子花光能分配的影响. beat365官方网站学报(自然科学版) 36(5): 774–780. |
2013 |
Huang W, Fu PL, Jiang YJ, Zhang JL, Zhang SB, Hu H*, Cao KF*. 2013. Differences in the responses of photosystem I and photosystem II of three tree species Cleistanthus sumatranus, Celtis philippensis and Pistacia weinmannifolia exposed to a prolonged drought in a tropical limestone forest. Tree Physiology 33(2): 211–220. Tan ZH*, Cao M, Yu GR, Tang JW, Deng XB, Song QH, Tang Y, Zheng Z, Liu WJ, Feng ZL, Deng Y, Zhang JL, Liang N, Zhang YP*. 2013. High sensitivity of a tropical rainforest to water variability: evidence from ten years of inventory and eddy flux data. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 118 (16): 9393–9400. Zhang SB#, Cao KF#*, Fan ZX, Zhang JL. 2013. Potential hydraulic efficiency in angiosperm trees increases with growth-site temperature but has no trade-off with mechanical strength. Global Ecology and Biogeography 22(8): 971–981. |
2012 |
Fu PL, Jiang YJ, Wang AY, Brodribb TJ, Zhang JL, Zhu SD, Cao KF*. 2012. Stem hydraulic traits and leaf water-stress tolerance are coordinated with the leaf phenology of angiosperm trees in an Asian tropical dry karst forest. Annals of Botany 110(1): 189–199. Hu YH, Sha LQ*, Blanchet FG, Zhang JL, Tang Y, Lan GY, Cao M. 2012. Dominant species and dispersal limitation regulate tree species distributions in a 20-ha plot in Xishuangbanna, southwest China. Oikos 121(6): 952–960. Huang W, Yang SJ, Zhang SB, Zhang JL, Cao KF*. 2012. Cyclic electron flow plays an important role in photoprotection for the resurrection plant Paraboea rufescens under drought stress. Planta 235(4): 819–828. Zhang JL, Poorter L, Cao KF*. 2012. Productive leaf functional traits of Chinese savanna species. Plant Ecology 213(9): 1449–1460. Zhang JL, Poorter L, Hao GY, Cao KF*. 2012. Photosynthetic thermotolerance of woody savanna species in China is correlated with leaf lifespan. Annals of Botany 110(5): 1027–1033. Zhang SB, Zhang JL, Slik JWF, Cao KF*. 2012. Leaf element concentrations of terrestrial plants across China are influenced by taxonomy and the environment. Global Ecology and Biogeography 21(8): 809–818. |
2011 |
Zhang SB, Slik JWF, Zhang JL, Cao KF*. 2011. Spatial patterns of wood traits in China are controlled by phylogeny and environment. Global Ecology and Biogeography 20(2):241–250. |
2009 |
Zhang JL, Cao KF*. 2009. Stem hydraulics mediates leaf water status, carbon gain, nutrient use efficiencies and plant growth rates across dipterocarp species. Functional Ecology 23(4):658-667. Zhang JL, Meng LZ, Cao KF*. 2009. Sustained diurnal photosynthetic depression in uppermost-canopy leaves of four dipterocarp species in the rainy and dry seasons: does photorespiration play a role in photoprotection? Tree Physiology 29(2):217–228. Zhu JJ, Zhang JL, Liu HC, Cao KF*. 2009. Photosynthesis, non-photochemical pathways and activities of antioxidant enzymes in a resilient evergreen oak under different climatic conditions from a valley-savanna in Southwest China. Physiologia Plantarum 135(1): 62–72. 张教林, 郝广友, 曹坤芳. 2009. 云南元江干热河谷木本植物的物候. 武汉植物学研究 27(1): 76–82. |
2008 |
陈亚军, 张教林, 曹坤芳*. 2008. 两种热带木质藤本幼苗形态、生长和光合能力对光强和养分的响应. 植物学通报 25(2): 185–194. |
2007 |
Elsheery NI, Wilske B, Zhang JL, Cao KF*. 2007. Seasonal variations in gas exchange and chlorophyll fluorescence in the leaves of five mango cultivars in southern Yunnan, China. Journal of Horticultural Science & Biotechnology82(6):855–862. Zhang JL, Zhu JJ, Cao KF*. 2007. Seasonal variation in photosynthesis in six woody species with different leaf phenology in a valley savanna in southwestern China. Trees-Structure and Function 21(6): 631–643. |
2005 |
孟令曾, 张教林, 曹坤芳, 许再富. 2005. 迁地保护的4种龙脑香冠层叶光合速率和叶绿素荧光参数的日变化. 植物生态学报 29(6): 976–984. |
2004 |
Feng YL, Cao KF*, Zhang JL. 2004. Photosynthetic characteristics, dark respiration, and leaf mass per unit area in seedlings of four tropical tree species grown under three irradiances. Photosynthetica 42(3): 431–437. 张教林, 曹坤芳*. 2004. 不同生态习性热带雨林树种的幼苗对光能的利用与耗散. 应用生态学报 15(3): 372–376. |
2003 |
张教林, 曹坤芳*. 2003. 夜间低温对2种热带雨林树种幼苗叶绿素荧光的影响. 武汉植物学研究 21(4): 356–360. |
2002 |
张教林, 曹坤芳*. 2002. 光照对两种热带雨林树种幼苗光合能力、热耗散和抗氧化系统的影响. 植物生态学报 26(6): 639–646. |
2000 |
张教林, 陈爱国, 刘志秋. 2000. 定植3, 13, 34年热带胶园的土壤磷素形态变化和有效性研究. 土壤 32(6): 319–322. |
1999 |
张教林, 陈爱国. 1999. 热带胶园土壤磷素形态和生物有效性. 土壤与环境 8(4): 284–286. |