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一、个人信息(Personal information)

姓名:赵建立(Jian-Li Zhao)理学博士

现任职务:副研究员(Associate Professor),硕士生导师


二、研究兴趣(Research interests)


My recent researches focus on the Biogeography, Landscape Genomics, Comparative Genomics, Phylogenomics of plants, especially the alpine groups in Zingiberaceae. The main aim is to explore the origin, evolution and adaptation of species, and understandings for biodiversity in the Himalayas and the Hengduan Mountains.

三、受教育背景(Education background)

1. 2006年9月-2012年7月:中国科学院研究生院/中国科学院西双版纳热带植物园,获得理学博士学位。

2. 2002年9月-2006年7月:beat365官方网站生命科学学院生物科学基地班,获得理学学士学位。

四、工作经历(Work experience)

1. 2017年11月至今:beat365官方网站生态学与进化生物学实验室,副研究员。

2. 2016年10月至2017年11月:beat365官方网站生态学与进化生物学实验室,助理研究员。

3. 2012年7月至2016年10月:中国科学院西双版纳热带植物园,助理研究员。

五、国外学习经历(International experience)

1. 2014年1月至2015年1月:美国加州大学洛杉矶分校,青年访问学者。

六、科研项目(Research grants)


1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,象牙参属两近缘物种同域分布格局的形成过程及维持机制研究(批准号:42171057)。项目起止年月:2022.01-2025.12。直接经费55万元。

2. 云南省“万人计划”青年拔尖人才项目(编号:YNWR-QNBJ-2019-214),项目起止年月:2020.01-2024.12。经费50万元。

3. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,喜马拉雅-横断山地区象牙参属植物的演化适应格局比较研究(批准号:41871047)。项目起止年月:2019.01-2022.12。直接经费60万元。

4. 云南省应用基础研究计划面上项目-横断山脉地区广布草本植物的气候适应性研究:以藏象牙参为例(批准号:2017FB021)。项目起止年月:2017.06-2020.05。10万元。

5. beat365官方网站“东陆中青年骨干教师”培养计划。项目起止年月:2017.06-2020.05。8万元。

6. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,喜马拉雅山脉地区象牙参属植物物种形成的历史成因(批准号:41601061)。项目起止年月:2017.01-2019.12。直接经费20万元。

7. 中国科学院“西部之光”人才培养计划“西部博士资助项目”。项目起止年月:2014.01-2016.12。10万元。


1. 国家自然科学基金-云南省联合基金项目“象牙参属横断山地区特有物种繁殖适应性的进化机制”(批准号:U1602263)。项目起止年月:2017.1-2020.12。直接经费200万元。主持:李庆军。

2. 国家自然科学基金-云南省联合基金项目“西南山地报春花属植物的繁殖特性与适应性进化研究” (批准号:U1202261)。项目起止年月:2013.1-2016.12。总经费185万元。主持:李庆军。

七、 研究论文(Publications)

第一或通讯作者论文 (*为通讯作者,#为共同第一作者) :

1. Jian-Li Zhao#, Xiang-Qin Yu #, W. John Kress, Ya-Li Wang, Yong-Mei Xia, Qing-Jun Li*. 2022. Historical biogeography of gingers and its implications for shifts in tropical rain forest habitats. Journal of Biogeography. doi: 10.1111/jbi.14386.

2. Qian Yang, Gao-Fei Fu, Zhiqiang Wu, Li Li, Jian-Li Zhao*, Qing-Jun Li. 2022. Chloroplast genome evolution in four montane Zingiberaceae taxa in China. Frontiers in Plant Science. 12: 774482.

3. Xue Chu, Paul F. Gugger, Li Li, Jian-Li Zhao*, Qing-Jun Li. 2021. Responses of an endemic species (Roscoea humeana) in the Hengduan Mountains to climate change. Diversity and Distributions, 27: 2231–224.

4. Jian-Li Zhao, Babu Ram Paudel, Xiang-Qin Yu, Jie Zhang, Qing-Jun Li*. 2021. Speciation along the elevation gradient: Divergence of Roscoea species within the south slope of the Himalayas. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 164: 107292.

5. Li Li, Jie Zhang, Zhi‐Qiang Lu, Jian-Li Zhao*, Qing‐Jun Li. 2021. Genomic data reveal two distinct species from the widespread alpine ginger Roscoea tibetica Batalin (Zingiberaceae). Journal of Systematics and Evolution, 59: 1232–1243.

6. Xiang-Qin Yu, Qiong Zhang, Yin-Zi Jiang, Hua Peng, Jian-Li Zhao*, Shi-Xiong Yang*. 2020. The complete chloroplast genome sequence of Laplacea alpestris and its phylogenetic position. Mitochondrial DNA Part B -Resources. 5: 3789–3791.

7. De-Bao Li, Xiao-Kun Ou, Jian-Li Zhao*, Qing-Jun Li. 2020. An ecological barrier between the Himalayas and the Hengduan Mountains maintains the disjunct distribution of Roscoea. Journal of Biogeography, 47: 326–341.

8. Jian-Li Zhao, Qing-Jun Li*. 2019. Global environmental changes and their impact on biological evolution during the Oligocene-Miocene transition. Scientia Sinica Vitae, 49: 902–915. (In Chinese with English abstract)

9. Xing-Fu Zhu, Xiang-Qin Yu, Jian-Li Zhao*. 2019. The complete chloroplast sequence of Roscoea humeana (Zingiberaceae): An alpine ginger in the Hengduan Mountains, China. Mitochondrial DNA Part B Resources, 4: 1398–1399.

10. Jian-Li Zhao, Silke Werth, Makihiko Ikegami, Paul F. Gugger, Victoria L. Sork*. 2019. Historical interactions are predicted to be disrupted under future climate change: The case of lace lichen and valley oak. Journal of Biogeography, 46: 19–29. (封面文章)

11. Jian-Li Zhao, Jinshun Zhong, Yong-Li Fan, Yong-Mei Xia, and Qing-Jun Li*. 2017. A preliminary species-level phylogeny of the alpine ginger Roscoea: implications to speciation. Journal of Systematics and Evolution, 55: 215–224. (封面文章)

12. Jian-Li Zhao, Paul F. Gugger, Yong-Mei Xia, Qing-Jun Li*. 2016.  Ecological divergence of two closely related Roscoea species associated with late Quaternary climate change. Journal of Biogeography, 43: 1990–2001.

13. Jian-Li Zhao#, Yong-Mei Xia#, Charles H. Cannon, W. John Kress, Qing-Jun Li*. 2016. Evolutionary diversification of alpine ginger reflects the early uplift of the Himalayan-Tibetan Plateau and rapid extrusion of Indochina. Gondwana Research, 32: 232–241.

14. Jian-Li Zhao#, Lu Zhang#, Dayanandan S, Nagaraju S, Qiao-Ming Li. 2013. Tertiary origin and Pleistocene diversification of dragon blood tree (Dracaena cambodiana-Asparagaceae) populations in the Asian tropical forests. PLoS ONE, 8: e60102.

15. Jian-Li Zhao, Tianhua He, Qiao-Ming Li*. 2010. Contrasting coarse and fine scale genetic structure among isolated relic populations of Kmeria septentrionalis. Genetica, 138: 939–944.


1. Qiong Zhang, Lei Zhao, Ryan A. Folk, Jian-Li Zhao, Nelson A. Zamora, Shi-Xiong Yang, Douglas E. Soltis, Pamela S. Soltis, Lian-Ming Gao, Hua Peng*, Xiang-Qin Yu*. 2022. Phylotranscriptomics of Theaceae: generic-level relationships, reticulation and whole-genome duplication. Annals of Botany, 129: 457-471.

2. Babu Ram Paudel, Andre Kessler, Mani Shrestha, Jian Li Zhao, Qing-Jun Li*. 2020. Geographic isolation, pollination syndromes, and pollinator generalization in Himalayan Roscoea spp. (Zingiberaceae). Ecosphere, 10: e02943.

3. Yong-Li Fan, Spencer C. H. Barrett, Ji-Qin Yang, Jian-Li Zhao, Yong-Mei Xia, Qing-Jun Li*. 2019. Water mediates fertilization in a terrestrial flowering plant. New Phytologist, 224: 1133–1141.

4. Karina Martins, Paul F. Gugger, Jesus Llanderal‐Mendoza, Antonio González‐Rodríguez, Sorel T. Fitz‐Gibbon, Jian-Li Zhao, Hernando Rodríguez‐Correa, Ken Oyama, Victoria L. Sork*. 2018. Landscape genomics provides evidence of climate-associated adaptive genetic variation in Mexican populations of Quercus rugosa. Evolutionary Applications, 11: 1842–1858.

5. Yanping Xie, Xingfu Zhu, Yongpeng Ma, Jianli Zhao, Li Li, Qingjun Li*. 2017. Natural hybridization and reproductive isolation between two Primula species. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology, 59: 526–530.

6. Dharmalingam Mohandass, Jian-Li Zhao, Yong-Mei Xia, Mason J. Campbell, Qing-Jun Li*. 2015. Increasing temperature causes flowering onset time changes of alpine ginger Roscoea in the Central Himalayas. Journal of Asia-Pacific Biodiversity, 8: 191–198.

7. Dharmalingam Mohandass, Mason J. Campbell, Jian-Li Zhao, Yong-Mei Xia, Babu Ram Paudel, Shankar Panthi, Qing-Jun Li*. 2015. Assessment of Roscoea population size in the Central Himalayas based on historical herbarium records and direct observation for the period. Journal of Biological Records, e0022015: 10–18.

8. Xiang-Qin Yu, Masayuki Maki, Bryan T. Drew, Alan J. Paton, Hsi-Wen Li, Jian-Li Zhao, John G. Conran, Jie Li*, 2014. Phylogeny and biogeography of Isodon (Lamiaceae): rapid radiation in south-west China and Miocene overland dispersal into Africa. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 77: 183–194.

9. Xiang-Qin Yu, Tianhua He, Jian-Li Zhao, Qiao-Ming Li*, 2014. Invasion genetics of Chromolaena odorata (Asteraceae): extremely low diversity across Asia. Biological invasions, 16: 2351–2366.

10. Qiao-Ming Li*, Jian-Li Zhao. 2007. Genetic diversity of Phyllanthus emblica populations in dry-hot valleys in Yunnan. Biodiversity Science, 15: 84–91.

八、学术交流(Academic exchange)

1. 赵建立,李莉,褚雪,李庆军。气候变化对横断山地区象牙参属植物种内适应格局的影响。第二届全国生物地理学大会暨黄河流域生态保护论坛。中国河南开封。2021.9.17-9.19,口头报告及摘要。

2. 赵建立,李庆军。姜科植物的历史生物地理学研究。第一届中国生物地理学大会。中国北京,2019.9.13-9.15,口头报告及摘要。

3. Jian-Li Zhao, Qing-Jun Li. Historical introgressions among Roscoea species of different elevations within the south slope of the Himalayas. The XIX International Botanical Congress, Shenzhen, China, 2017.7.23-7.29, Oral presentation and abstract.

4. Jian-Li Zhao, Qing-Jun Li. Evolution and historical biogeography of Zingiberaceae. The Asia-Pacific Chapter of the ATBC, Page 84-85, Xishuangbanna, China, 2017.3.25-3.28, Oral presentation and abstract.

5. Jian-Li Zhao, Yong-Mei Xia, Qing-Jun Li*. Speciation of alpine ginger Roscoea inferred from species-level phylogenetic reconstruction. The 7th International Symposium on the family Zingiberaceae, Chiang Mai, Thailand, 2015.8.17-20, Oral presentation.

6. 赵建立,夏永梅,李庆军*。象牙参属两物种种间差异的维持机制。中国植物植物学会八十周年年会。南昌,2013.10.14 -16,会议摘要。

7. Jian-Li Zhao, Yong-Mei Xia, Qing-Jun Li*. Phylogeny and phytogeography of Roscoea (Zingiberaceae). The 6th International Symposium on the family Zingiberaceae, Page 38, Kerala, India, 2012.9.10-13, Poster.

九、奖励和荣誉(Honers and award)

1. 2019年:云南省“万人计划”青年拔尖人才;

2. 2017年:beat365官方网站“东陆中青年骨干教师”培养计划;

3. 2011年:荣获中国科学院“朱李月华优秀博士生奖”。


