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姓名:         王毅              理学博士

现任职务:副研究员     硕士生导师







美国昆虫学会会员Entomological Society of America, ESA

国际生物防治组织会员(InternationalOrganizationforBiologicalControl, IOBC




























2013 年中国科学院青年促进会会员





202311月至202610月国家重点研发计划生物安全专项“重要入侵生物对本土物种和脆弱生境的损伤机制及防护研究” 课题                                                                                                                                          340/1387



20241月至202712月国家自然科学基金面上项目  直接经费                                           50



202211月至202510月国家重点研发计划生物安全专项“生物多样性抵御生物入侵的响应机制与受损系统的生态恢复”课题                                                                                                                                                364/1300



20221月至202512NSFC-云南联合基金重点项目 直接经费                                     95.6/239




20191月至202212月国家自然科学基金面上项目  直接经费                60



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20189月至20208月beat365官方网站国家杰(优)青培育项目                                                                 20



20177月至20206月国家重点研发计划生物安全专项入侵植物与脆弱生态系统相互作用的机制, 后果及调控课题                                          242/1480



20136月至20193月美国农业部入侵杂草生物防治国际合作项目                 180万 



20141月至201612月国家自然科学基金 青年基金                    22



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20131月至201512月国家林业局948项目子课题                     10






八、 发表论文:


1.Danfeng Liu*, Maoye Liu, Ruiting Ju, Bo Li and Yi Wang*2024Rapid seedling emergence of invasive Phytolacca americana is related to higher soluble sugars produced by starch metabolism and photosynthesis compared to native P. Acinosa.Frontiers in Plant Science DOI 10.3389/fpls.2024.1255698

2.Danfeng Liu, Yunshan Liu, Maoye Liu, Yupeng Geng, Yongjun Zhang, Evan Siemann, Bo Li,Yi Wang*, 2023, Phytolacca americana avoided synthesizing costly (Z)‑3‑hexenyl acetate and formed an ecological trap to defend against Spodoptera litura, unlike its congener Phytolacca icosandra. Journal of Pest Science https://doi.org/10.1007/s10340-023-01654-0

3.Yue Zhou, Chao Chen, Yun-Tao Xiong, Feng Xiao, Yi Wang*, 2023, Heavy metal induced resistance to herbivore of invasive plant: implications from inter- and intraspecific comparisons. Frontiers in Plant Science 14:1222867.

4.Yulin Li, Yuntao Xiong, Jieren Jin, Chaonan Wang, Zhili Pan, Jie Wang, Yan Wang, Yi Wang*, 2023, Seed traits of reintroduced invasive populations of Triadica sebifera show few diferences in comparison with those of native populations. Plant Ecology  224:697–703.

5.Yunshan Liu, Li Chen,Yue Zhou, Feng Xiao, Danfeng Liu,Yi Wang*, 2023, Asymmetric inter‑specifc competition between invasive Phytolacca americana and its native congener. Plant Ecology 224:315-324.

6.Shan Wu, Li Chen, Yue Zhou, Feng Xiao, Danfeng Liu, Jie Wang and Yi Wang*, 2023, Invasive plants have higher resistance to native generalist herbivores than exotic non-invasive congeners. Environmental Entomology 1(52): 81-87.

7.Yan Wang, Hongwei Yu, Chao Chen, Yuntao Xiong, Jie Wang and Yi Wang*, 2022, Beneficial effects of cadmium on plant defense of an invasive plant. Environmental and Experimental Botany 204:205101.

8.Wenheng Gong, Yan Wang, Chao Chen, Yuntao Xiong, Yue Zhou, Feng Xiao, Bo Li and Yi Wang* , 2022, The rapid evolution of an invasive plant due to increased selection pressures throughout its invasive history. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 233: 113322.

9.Feng Xiao, Chao Chen, Wenheng Gong, Yuntao Xiong, Yue Zhou, Wen Guo*, Bo Li and Yi Wang*, 2022, Trade-off between shade tolerance and chemical resistance of invasive Phytolacca americana under different light levels compared with its native and exotic non-invasive congeners. Environmental and Experimental Botany 196:104809. 

10.Danfeng Liu, Li Chen, Chao Chen, Yue Zhou, Feng Xiao, Yi Wang* and Qingjun Li, 2022, Effect of plant VOCs and light intensity on growth and reproduction performance of an invasive and a native Phytolacca species in China. Ecology and Evolution https://doi.org/10.1002/ece3.8522.

11.Jianguang Wang, Chao Chen, Yi Wang* and Zhaorong He*, 2022, Sinocrassula jiaozishanensis (Crassulaceae), a new species from Yunnan Province, China. Phytotaxa https://doi.org/10.11646/phytotaxa.00.0.0.

12.Yan Wang, Chao Chen, Yuntao Xiong, Yi Wang* and Qingjun Li, 2021, Combination effects of heavy metal and inter-specific competition on the invasiveness of Alternanthera philoxeroides. Environmental and Experimental Botany 104532.

13.Yan Wang, Yuntao Xiong, Yi Wang* and Qingjun Li, 2021, Long period exposure to serious cadmium pollution benefits an invasive plant (Alternanthera philoxeroides) competing with its native congener (Alternanthera sessilis). Science of the Total Environment 786, 147456.

14.Danfeng Liu, Li Chen, Chao Chen, Xingkui An, Yongjun Zhang, Yi Wang* and Qingjun Li, 2020, Full-length transcriptome analysis of Phytolacca americana and its congener P. icosandra and gene expression normalization in three Phytolaccaceae species. BMC Plant Biology 20, 396.

15.Jin-Yan Wang, Hao Zhang, Evan Siemann, Xiang-Yun Ji, Yi-Juan Chen, Yi Wang, Jie-Xian Jiang and Nian-Feng Wan*, 2020, Immunity of an insect herbivore to an entomovirus is affected by different host plants, Pest Management Science, 76,1004-1010.

16.王毅 *,刘丹凤,王燕 2019,入侵植物对本地生态系统三级营养关系的调控机制。 中国科学:生命科学 497(7):888-892.

17.Wang Y, Huang W, Wang Y, Ding J. 2019. Environment and host plant quality interact to determine the pupation success of a biological control agent, Agasicles hygrophila, on a nontarget host, Alternanthera sessilis. Biological Control 136:104003.

18.Wang Y, Ismail M, Huang W,Wang Y, Ding J. 2019. Population dynamics and overwintering of a biological control beetle, Agasicles hygrophila, on a nontarget plant Alternanthera sessilis, along a latitudinal gradient. Journal of Pest Science 92:835-84.

19.  Wang Y, Siemann E, Zhu L, Gu X, Ding J. 2016. Repeated damage by specialist insects suppresses the growth of a high tolerance invasive tree.Biocontrol 61:793-801.

20.  Zhang J, Wang* Y, Ding J. 2015. List of pest insects on Triadica sebifera.Forest Pest and Disease 34: 25-35. (*corresponding author).

21. Gu X, Siemann E, Zhu L, Gao S, Wang* Y, Ding J. 2014. Invasive plant population and herbivore identity affect latex induction. Ecological Entomology 39:1-9. (*corresponding author).

22. Wang Y, Carrillo J, Siemann E, Wheeler GS, Zhu L, Gu X, Ding J. 2013. Specificity of extrafloral nectar induction by herbivores differs among native and invasive populations of tallow tree. Annals of Botany 112: 751-756.

23. Huang W, Wang Y, Ding J. 2013. A review of adaptive evolution of defense strategies in an invasive plant species, Chinese tallow (Triadica sebifera).Chinese Journal of Plant Ecology 37: 889-900.

24. Gu X, Wang Y*, Ren MX, Gao SX, Zhu L, Ding J. 2013. Phenolic chemical analyses in leaves and latex of Triadica sebifera.Plant Science Journal 31: 590-595. (*corresponding author).

25. Wang Y, Zhu L, Gu X, Wheeler GS, Purcell M, Ding J. 2012. Pre-release assessment of Gadirtha inexacta, a proposed biological control agent of Chinese tallow (Triadica sebifera) in the United States. Biological Control 63: 304-309.

26. Carrillo J, Wang Y, Ding J, Klootwyk K, Siemann E. 2012. Decreased indirect defense in the invasive tree Triadica sebifera. Plant Ecology213:945-954.

27. Carrillo J, Wang Y, Ding J, Siemann E. 2012. Induction of extrafloral nectar depends on herbivore type in invasive and native Chinese tallow seedlings. Basic and Applied Ecology13: 449-457.

28. Wang Y, Siemann E, Wheeler GS, Zhu L, Gu X, Ding J. 2012. Genetic variation in anti-herbivore chemical defenses in an invasive plant. Journal of Ecology 4: 894-904.

29. Wang Y, Huang W, Siemann E, Zou J, Wheeler GS, Carrillo J, Ding J. 2011. Lower resistance and higher tolerance of invasive host plants: biocontrol agents reach high densities but exert weak control. Ecological Applications 21:729-738.

30. Dai H, Wang Y, Du Y, Ding J. 2010. Effects of plant trichomes on herbivores and predators on soybeans. Insect Science 17: 1-8.

31. Wang Y, Ding J, Wheeler GS, Purcell MF, Zhang G. 2009. Heterapoderopsis bicallosicollis (Coleoptera: Attelabidae), a potential biological control agent for Chinese tallow (Triadica sebifera). Environmental Entomology 38:1135-1144.

32. Wang Y, Ding J, Zhang G. 2008. Gallerucida bifasciada (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae), a potential biological control agent for Japanese knotweed (Fallopia japonica). Biocontrol Science and Technology 18: 59-74.

33. Ding J, Wang Y, Jin X. 2007. Monitoring populations of Galerucella birmanica (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) on Brasenia schreberi and Trapa natans (Lythraceae): implications for biological control. Biological Control 43: 71-77.



