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2006.09-2011.07:中国科学院   华南植物园,     生态学,博士

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1.         番茄潜叶蛾和烟粉虱竞争性取食对番茄生长和地下过程的影响研究,国家重点研发计划(2023YFC2604502)专题,2024.01-2026.12

2.         火灾对云南松林土壤有机碳动态的长期影响与机制(32371733),国家自然科学基金-面上项目,2024.01-2027.12

3.         昭通草地物种补播、养分回补、土壤质量提升和土层保护技术研发(XDA26020203-02),中国科学院战略性先导科技专项项目(A类)-专题,2020.11-2025.10

4.         云南典型生态系统碳氮过程对全球变化的响应机制研究,云南省兴滇人才研究经费,2020.01-2024.12

5.         梯度增温对哀牢山亚热带森林土壤碳动态的影响及机制(31971497),国家自然科学基金-面上项目,2020.01-2023.12

6.         冠层模拟氮沉降对杉木林林下植被及其生态功能的影响(31570444),国家自然科学基金-面上项目,2016.01-2019.12

7.         杉木林下植物-土壤微生物功能群相互联系对氮沉降的响应与适应(31200406),国家自然科学基金-青年项目,2013.01-2015.12







Frontiers in Plant ScienceFrontiers in Forests and Climate ChangeForests:客座编辑

Soil Biology and Biochemistry, Molecular Ecology, Global Ecology and Biogeography, Land Degradation & Development, Ecological Indicator, Plant and Soil, Environmental Pollution, Global Ecology and Conservation,  生态学报,植物生态学报,生物多样性,应用生态学报和生态学杂志等期刊审稿人。




1.         Chen DY, Xia SW, Li SC, Ding XY, Zhang ST, Chen H, Wu JP*. 2024. Moderate size diversity of tree roots has largest effect on the carbon loss in tropical soils. Functional Ecology. 38: 363-373.

2.         Guo ZH#, Zhang ST, Zhang LC, Xiang YZ#, Wu JP*. 2024. A meta-analysis reveals increases in soil organic carbon following the restoration and recovery of croplands in Southwest China. Ecological Applications. https://doi.org/10.1002/eap.2944.

3.         Li DB, Wu JP*. 2024. Canopy nitrogen addition and understory removal destabilize the microbial community in a subtropical Chinese fir plantation. Journal of Environmental Management. 354:120407.

4.         Li DB, Wu CS, Wu JP*. 2024. Nitrogen deposition does not change stochastic processes of soil microbial community assembly under climate warming in primary forest. Ecological Indicators. 158: 111618.

5.         Chen H, Zhang ST, Ma WC, Xiang YZ*, Wu JP*. 2024. Restoring farmland to forest increases phosphorus limitation based on microbial and soil C:N:P stoichiometry-a synthesis across China. Forest Ecology and Management. 556: 121745.

6.         Zhou J#, Xu H#, Xiang Y*, Wu JP*. 2024. Effects of microplastics pollution on plant and soil phosphorus: A meta-analysis. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 461: 132705.

7.         Shah JA, Ullah S, Chen DY, Wu JP*. 2024. Di-(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (DEHP) contamination suppressed soil microbial biomass carbon and mitigated CO2 emissions against the background of alfalfa from different soils. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety. 272: 116073.

8.         Hong ZY#, Li XA#, Li DB, Wu JP*. 2024. Rubber-based agroforestry systems modify the soil fungal composition and function in Southwest China. Soil Ecology Letters. 6: 230224.

9.         Wu, B., Liu, W., Wu, Y. Thompson J, Wu JP*. 2024. Plant managements but not fertilization mediate soil carbon emission and microbial community composition in two Eucalyptus plantations. Plant and Soil. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11104-023-06175-4.


10.     Zhou J#, Xiang YZ#, Sheng XJ, Wu JP*. 2023. Effects of grazing on soil nematodes in grasslands: A global meta-analysis. Journal of Applied Ecology. 60: 814-824.

11.     Xu YJ, Chen Z, Li X, Tan J, Liu F, Wu JP*. 2023. The mechanism of promoting rhizosphere nutrient turnover for arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi attributes to recruited functional bacterial assembly. Molecular Ecology.  32: 2335-2350.

12.     Xu YJ, Chen Z, Li X, Tan J, Liu F, Wu JP*. 2023. Mycorrhizal fungi alter root exudation to cultivate a beneficial microbiome for plant growth. Functional Ecology.  37: 664-675.

13.     Zhou J#, Zhang MY#, Raza ST, Yang SM, Liu JH, Cai M, Xue SM, Wu JP*. 2023. Fungal but not bacterial β-diversity decreased after 38-year-long grazing in a southern grassland. Plant and Soil. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11104-023-06015-5.

14.     Li TQ, Li DB, Chen X, Gérard F, Li M, Wu JP*, Gao JY*. 2023. Compartments of roots and mature leaves are key hubs in the connectivity of tea-plant mycobiomes and are influenced by environmental factors and host age. Science of The Total Environment. 893: 164827.

15.     Wang LL, Zhou QQ, Su WH, Xu YJ, Qian QD, Yang X, Chen DY, Chen Z, Wu JP*. 2023. Responses of fungal community to forest fire are species-specific in Yunnan Plateau, southwest China. Journal of Plant Ecology.16: rtac043.

16.     Zhou QQ, Wang XL, Wu Y, Chen Z, Li DB, Shao YH*, Wu JP*. 2023. Contrasting responses of soil nematode trophic groups to long-term nitrogen addition. Ecosystems. 26: 893–908.

17.     Chen YQ, Zhang BH, Zhang Y, Wu JP*. 2023. Editorial: Carbon sequestration in forest plantation ecosystems. Frontiers in Forests and Global Change. 6: 1343488.

18.     李思程, 蔡乾坤, 刘文飞, 吴建平*. 2023. 杉木林土壤碳氮磷储量及化学计量特征对氮添加的响应[J]. beat365官方网站学报(自然科学版). 45: 139-1358.


19.     Zhou J, Wu JP*, Huang JX, Sheng XJ, Dou XL, Lu M*. 2022. A synthesis of soil nematode responses to global change factors. Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 165: 108538.

20.     Zhang S, Yang X, Li D, Li S, Chen Z, Wu J*. 2022. A meta-analysis of understory plant removal impacts on soil properties in forest ecosystems. Geoderma. 426: 116116.

21.     Raza ST, Wu J*, Rene ER, Ali Z, Chen Z*. 2022. Reuse of agricultural wastes, manure, and biochar as an organic amendment: A review on its implications for vermicomposting technology. Journal of Cleaner Production. 360: 132200.

22.     Wu Y, Wang B, Wu LJ, Liu SE, Yue LY, Wu JP*, Chen DM*. 2022. Fifty-year habitat subdivision enhances soil microbial biomass and diversity across subtropical land-bridge islands. Frontiers in Microbiology. 13: 1063340.

23.     Xi D, Jin S*, Wu, J*. 2022. Soil bacterial community is more sensitive than fungal community to canopy nitrogen deposition and understory removal in a Chinese fir plantation. Frontiers in Microbiology. 13: 1015936.

24.     Shen FF, Liu WF, Duan HL, Wu JP*, Wu CS, Liao YC, Yuan YH, Fan HB*. 2022. High N storage but low N recovery after long-term N-fertilization in a subtropical Cunninghamia lanceolata plantation ecosystem: A 14-year case study. Frontiers in Plant Science. 13: 914176.

25.     Chen DY, Cai MT, Li DB, Yang SM, Wu JP*. 2022. Response of soil organic carbon stock to bryophyte removal is regulated by forest types in Southwest China. Forests. 13: 2125.

26.     Yang X, Zhu Y, Xu Y, Zhang S, Qian Q, Wang L, Wu JP*, Zhe Chen*. 2022. Simulated warming and low O2 promote N2O and N2 emissions in subtropical montane forest soil. Journal of Soils and Sediments. 22: 2706-2719.

27.     Raza ST, Wu JP*, Rene ER, Ali Z, Chen Z*. 2022. Application of wetland plant-based vermicomposts as an organic amendment with high nutritious value. Process Safety and Environmental Protection. 165: 941-949.

28.     Zhou J, Lu M, Sheng XJ, Wu JP*. 2022. Effects of nitrogen addition and warming on nematode ecological indices: A meta-analysis. European Journal of Soil Biology. 110: 103407.

29.     Liu WF, Duan HL, Shen FF, Liao YC, Li Q, Wu JP*. 2022. Effects of long-term nitrogen addition on water use by Cunninghamia lanceolate in a subtropical plantation. Ecosphere. 13: e4033.

30.     Xu YJ, Liu F, Wu FL, Zhao ML, Zou RF, Wu JP*, Li XY*. 2022. A novel SCARECROW-LIKE3 transcription factor LjGRAS36 in Lotus japonicus regulates the development of arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis. Physiology and Molecular Biology of Plants. 28: 573–583.

31.     张力琛, 范立张, 马常威, 刘军华, 朱勇, 陈哲, 吴建平*. 2022. 山地风电场建设对土壤性质和植被覆盖的影响——以云南省将军山风电场为例. 生态学杂志. 41: 2397-2405.


32.     Zhou QQ#, Xiang YZ#, Li DB, Luo XZ, Wu JP*. 2021. Global patterns and controls of soil nematode responses to nitrogen enrichment: a meta-analysis. Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 163:108433.

33.     Zhou QQ, Li DB, Xia SW, Chen Z, Wang B*, Wu JP*. 2021. Plant–rodent interactions after a heavy snowfall decrease plant regeneration and soil carbon emission in an old-growth forest. Forest Ecosystems. 8:30.

34.     Wu JP*, Shen FF, Thompson J, Liu WF, Duan HL, Bardgett RD. 2021. Stoichiometric traits (N:P) of understory plants contribute to reductions in plant diversity following long-term nitrogen addition in subtropical forest. Ecology and Evolution. 11: 4243-4251.

35.     Chang JJ*, Li BH, Li W, Wu JP*. 2021. Bellamya aeruginosa (Reeve) regulates bacterial community features in sediment harbouring different submerged macrophytes under different nutrient levels. Aquatic Sciences. 83: 35.

36.     Wang SM, Chen XY, Li DB, Wu JP*. 2021. Effects of soil organism interactions and temperature on carbon use efficiency in three different forest soils. Soil Ecology Letters. 3: 156-166.

37.     Wang SM, Cai MT, Li DB, Wu B, Li JW, Huang GM, Duan HL*, Wu JP*. 2021. Heat waves intensify the effects of drought on bacterial diversity but not community composition in Solanum lycopersicum soil. Journal of Soils and Sediments. 21: 355-363.

38.     Raza ST, Hafeez S*, Ali Z*, Nasir ZA, Butt MM, Saleem I, Wu JP*, Chen Z, Xu YJ. 2021. An assessment of air quality within facilities of municipal solid waste management (MSWM) sites in Lahore, Pakistan. Processes 9:1604.

39.     Wei XH, Waterhouse MJ, Qi G, Wu JP*. 2020. Long-term logging residue loadings affect tree growth but not soil nutrients in Pinus contorta Doug. ex Loud. forests. Annals of Forest Science. 77: 61.

40.     Li XA, Ge TD, Chen Z, Wang SM, Ou XK, Wu Y, Chen H, Wu JP*. 2020. Enhancement of soil carbon and nitrogen stocks by abiotic and microbial pathways in three rubber-based agroforestry systems in Southwest China. Land Degradation & Development. 31: 2507-2515.

41.     Wu JP, Liu WF, Zhang WX, Shao YH, Duan HL, Chen BD, Wei XH, Fan HB*. 2019. Long-term nitrogen addition changes soil microbial community and litter decomposition rate in a subtropical forest. Applied Soil Ecology. 142: 43-51.

42.     Wu JP, Zhang WX, Shao YH, Fu SL*. 2017. Plant-facilitated effects of exotic earthworm Pontoscolex corethrurus on the soil carbon and nitrogen dynamics and soil microbial community in a subtropical field ecosystem. Ecology and Evolution. 7(11): 8709-8718.

43.     Wu JP, Duan HL, Liu WF, Wei XH, Liao YC, Fan HB*. 2017. Individual size but not additional nitrogen regulates tree carbon sequestration in a subtropical forest. Scientific Reports. 7: 46293.

44.     Liu WF#, Wu JP#, Fan HB*, Duan HL, Li Q, Yuan YH, Zhang H. 2017. Estimations of evapotranspiration in an age sequence of Eucalyptus plantations in subtropical China. Plos One. 12(4): e0174208.

45.     Wu JP, Fan HB*, Liu WF, Huang GM, Tang JF, Zeng RJ, Huang J, Liu ZF*. 2015. Should exotic Eucalyptus be planted in Subtropical China: insights from understory plant diversity in two contrasting Eucalyptus chronosequences. Environmental Management. 56: 1244–1251.

46.     Fan HB, Wu JP*, Liu WF, Yuan YH, Hu L, Cai QK. 2015. Linkages of plant and soil C:N:P stoichiometry and their relationships to forest growth in subtropical plantations. Plant and Soil. 392: 127-138.

47.     Wu JP, Liu ZF, Huang GM, Chen DM, Zhang WX, Shao YH, Wan SZ, Fu SL*.2014. Response of soil respiration and ecosystem carbon budget to vegetation removal in Eucalyptus plantations with contrasting ages. Scientific Reports. 4: 6262.

48.     Fan HB, Wu JP*, Liu WF, Yuan YH, Huang RZ, Liao YC, Li YY. 2014. Nitrogen deposition promotes ecosystem carbon accumulation by reducing soil carbon emission in a subtropical forest. Plant and Soil. 379(1-2): 361-371.

49.     Wu JP, Liu WF, Fan HB*, Huang GM, Wan SZ, Yuan YH, Ji CF.2013. Asynchronous responses of soil microbial community and understory plant community to simulated nitrogen deposition in a subtropical forest. Ecology and Evolution. 3(11): 3895-3905.

50.     Wu JP#, Liu ZF#, Sun YX, Zhou LX, Lin YB, Fu SL*.2013. Introduced Eucalyptus urophylla plantations change the composition of the soil microbial community in subtropical China. Land Degradation & Development. 24(4): 400-406.

51.     Liu ZF#, Wu JP#, Zhou LX, Lin YB, Fu SL*. 2012. Tree girdling effect on bacterial substrate utilization pattern depending on stand age and soil microclimate in Eucalyptus plantations. Applied Soil Ecology. 54(3):7-13.

52.     Liu ZF#, Wu JP#, Zhou LX, Lin YB, Fu SL*. 2012. Effect of understory fern (Dicranopteris dichotoma) removal on substrate utilization patterns of culturable soil bacterial communities in subtropical Eucalyptus plantations. Pedobiologia. 55(1): 7-13.

53.     Wu JP#, Liu ZF#, Wang XL, Sun YX, Zhou LX, Lin YB, Fu SL*. 2011. Effects of understory removal and tree girdling on soil microbial community composition and litter decomposition in two Eucalyptus plantations in South China. Functional Ecology. 25(4): 921-931.

54.     Wu JP#, Liu ZF#, Chen DM, Huang GM, Zhou LX, Fu SL*. 2011. Understory plants can make substantial contributions to soil respiration: Evidence from two subtropical plantations. Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 43(11): 2355-2357.

55.     习丹,翁浩东,胡亚林,吴建平*. 2021. 林冠氮添加和林下植被去除对杉木林土壤有机碳组分的影响. 生态学报. 41:8525-8534.

56.     杨仕明,蔡乾坤,刘文飞,吴建平*. 2021. 杉木人工林土壤氮矿化对长期氮添加和季节的响应. 浙江农林大学学报. 38: 945-952.

57.     周清秋,李静雯,王思敏,吴彬,陈辉,邓云,吴建平*. 2020. 增温和线虫添加对西双版纳热带雨林土壤呼吸的短期效应. 生态环境学报. 29:1752-1758

58.     吴建平*,王思敏,蔡慕天,吴彬. 2019. 植物与微生物碳利用效率及影响因子研究进展. 生态学报. 39(20)7771-7779.

59.     雷学明,沈芳芳,雷学臣,刘文飞,段洪浪,樊后保,吴建平*. 2018. 模拟氮沉降和灌草去除对杉木人工林地土壤微生物群落结构的影响. 生物多样性. 269: 962-971.

60.     吴建平,刘占锋*2014. 环境因子对森林净生态系统生产力的影响. 植物科学学报. 321):97-104.

61.     吴建平,刘文飞,袁颖红,黄荣珍,樊后保*,廖迎春,林文龙.2014. 亚热带杉木人工林下植物多样性对模拟氮沉降的响应. 水土保持通报. 34(4): 87-90.

62.     吴建平,刘占锋*. 2013.森林净生态系统生产力及其生物影响因子研究进展. 生态环境学报. 223):535-540.



1.         陈德赟,潘林涛,吴建平,石兴燕,刘佳鑫.发明专利:一种适用于边坡生态改善的筛选方法、生物组合,专利号ZL202211144716.X. 授权日,2023714.

2.         吴建平,刘文飞,段洪浪,樊后保. 实用新型专利:一种土壤线虫提取装置,专利号ZL.201621259599.1,授权日,20171013.

3.         许鲁平,刘文飞,张子文,孟庆银,郑双全,吴建平,肖石海,谢国阳,王启其,林源华. 发明专利:第三代杉木种子园肥料及施肥方法,专利号ZL.201510486204.5 ,授权日,2018112.



1. 傅声雷、张晨露、赵杰、陈亮、项文化、吴建平、夏汉平、熊燕梅、陈迪马、王晓玲, 不同森林管理措施对土壤生物及碳氮动态的影响,河南省自然科学奖,一等奖,2022.

2. 吴建平,华南尾叶桉人工林生态系统碳动态和碳汇功能研究,中国科学院,优秀博士学位论文,2012.


